Showing all 11 results
A Practical Approach to FIDIC Contracts (1999 Editions)
A Practical Approach to FIDIC Contracts (2017 Editions)
FIDIC Plant and Design-Build Contract (2017 Edition) – Yellow Book
The FIDIC EPC/Turnkey Contract: The Silver Book
The Management and Administration FIDIC Contracts (1999 Editions)
The Management and Administration of FIDIC Contracts (2017 Editions)
The Management of Claims and Resolution of Disputes under FIDIC Contracts (1999 Editions)
The Management of Claims and Resolution of Disputes under FIDIC Contracts (2017 Editions)
The Practical Use of the 2008 FIDIC Conditions of Contract, Design, Build and Operate Projects (FIDIC Gold Book)
The Professional Services Agreements: The White Book
Understanding Dispute Adjudication Boards